Perfil de Hong Hanh Do

The Kindness/The Evil Photography

The Kindness / The Evil 
Photo: Himura
Stylist: Hong Hanh Do
MUA: Anh An (Black). Linh Anh (White)
Model: Hong Minh (Black), Thai Ha (White)

"Within every person, there exists a complex interplay of kindness and evil. The human heart possesses the capacity for great compassion, empathy, and selflessness, capable of performing acts of profound kindness that can touch the lives of others in ways unimaginable. Yet, simultaneously, there is the potential for darkness to take root, leading to malevolence, selfishness, and cruelty. These two contrasting forces often coexist within us, engaged in a constant struggle for dominance. The choices we make, the circumstances we face, and the experiences that shape us determine which side prevails. It is an eternal battle, reminding us that we must continually strive to nurture our benevolent inclinations while keeping the darker impulses at bay. Embracing the power of kindness can be transformative, illuminating our paths with compassion and understanding, and ultimately leading us to a more harmonious and compassionate existence."

The Kindness/The Evil Photography


The Kindness/The Evil Photography
