Julián Andrés Gutiérrez sin profil

Reuse the Tower Rinalda + A. Ordoñez Arquitectura

Proposal for the competition Reuse the Tower
By ReUse Italy

“Every stone placed in the construction of a city serves as a letter in the alphabet of civilization”.
Manuel de Araújo Porto-Alegre

This proposal aims to preserve Torre Rinalda’s heritage for Lecce, Puglia, and humanity. Based on urban and architectural criteria, two plazas, proportional to the ruin, connect the tower to the city, serving cultural encounters. A pier symbolically unites the plazas, tower, and sea, offering diverse perspectives. Translucent walls of Italian alabaster from Volterra highlight ancient elements with interior lighting. Inside, a pathway allows visitors to explore the tower’s materiality and enjoy a new sea view from the highest level. Interactive panels educate about Lecce’s towers. The proposal embraces symbolism, creating a respectful symbiosis of history’s phases, and opens new perspectives on the tower’s use.

Team A. Ordóñez Arquitectura: Arch. Alejandro Ordóñez and Arch. Julián Gutiérrez
Reuse the Tower Rinalda + A. Ordoñez Arquitectura

Reuse the Tower Rinalda + A. Ordoñez Arquitectura
