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Re-imagined poster brief of LA Opera

For this project, I envisioned what a poster advertisement for LA Opera’s upcoming performance would look like through Adobe Photoshop and Blender. 

Visuals are created with a mix of an original Blender 3D scene and photo bashing of two water textures in Photoshop to represent the traditional Chinese culture this show is based around and the nature of the creation myths it features. 

Text copy was either taken from LA Opera’s official press releases or reworked for better layout. The logos of both LA Opera and The Book of Mountain and Seas are from LA Opera’s official website, but the body font is an approximation of LA Opera’s website font using ITC Conduit Light in order to stay as close to their official branding guidelines as possible. The show logo is also modified to be rearranged in a different layout, along with text manipulations of the M and S in the title to more strongly channel a visual image of mountains and water respectively.

Lastly, color was chosen based off high contrast light-wise and complementary colors of red and blue to draw the viewer’s attention and give a more dramatic feel to the poster overall.
Re-imagined poster brief of LA Opera
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Re-imagined poster brief of LA Opera

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