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#NowFeeling: Alive | Spotify Ad

#NowFeeling: Alive is an ad I created for a Spotify/Talenthouse competition.
Watch the video and read the description below.
The power of music is undeniable. It can lift you up when you're feeling down or help you relax after a long day of work.

A simple melody can remind you of that hot summer day when you were a kid - the way the air smelled like freshly cut grass and you smiled as you heard your favourite song on the radio. It can take you back to the first party where you got a bit tipsy and got lost on the way home. Or even invoke memories of your very first kiss...
It can be a source of inspiration and it's there for you when there's nothing left to do but dance.

But as much as people need music, music also needs people that will share it with each other and create even more memories - one special moment at a time.

That's why a service like Spotify is so important. It helps us reach out to our peers and discover new music and new feelings. Through it we can touch each other's lives in ways we never even imagined, because deep down that's what we're all looking for... A connection.

So share your music. Share your life.

#NowFeeling: Alive


Shot & edited by David Reisinho
Actress/Dancer: Rita Ferreira
Song: "Jangle" by Blank & Kytt, used under a creative commons license.
Inspired by personal playlist.
Special thanks to Pedro Pedrosa (Go Pedrosa!), Filipe Blanquet and the beautiful city of Setúbal.
#NowFeeling: Alive | Spotify Ad

#NowFeeling: Alive | Spotify Ad

#NowFeeling: Alive is an ad I directed for a Spotify/Talenthouse competition.
