Logo Design for:

Fra Gård

2022: Noroff School Project

The goal for this project was to create a logo for a fictional store that sells local produce and Norwegian souvenirs from their area of Lofoten, Svolvær.  Their specialties are jam, especially lingonberry jam which is a local berry.


When I made this logo my initial focus was on capturing the store's identity. So, I began my process by defining who they were and understanding their business. From my research of the clients and their local area, I understood that most of their business and products revolve around local produce, so vegetables, homemade jams, pottery, and other trinkets such as wood art. Their store is famous for selling their lingonberry jam, so I aimed to capture this product. In my sketching phase, I vectorised a jam jar and drew some lingonberry branches which I also vectorised to fit the jar nicely. 

Fra Gård


Fra Gård
