Profil appartenant à Gibbi Studios

Cottage of Penmanship

Designing a logo and packaging for:

Cottage of Penmanship

2023: Client Work

This project was a side project next to my studies. My client was in the process of opening an Etsy Shop that she had called Cottage of Penmanship. Her company sells all kinds of lettering paraphernalia, such as paper products, wax melts, and stickers, and even offers handcrafted wax melts. She needed a logo showcasing her products and brand. The logo should also look good on her shipping boxes.

This is the final look of the logo.
The client had mentioned that she wanted a logo that looked simple, and original. I liked the idea of a bottle with a letter inside, cause it reminded me of the old-fashioned way of storing a letter. I chose to design the bottle, and its contents very intricate and simple. I tried to make the logo look like it has been stamped onto something.

The client wanted some branding work that would be applied to her shipping boxes. I chose a colour palette that would work well with the logo and overall message of her shop and made some mockups for her to view.
Cottage of Penmanship
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Cottage of Penmanship

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