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Do recruitment agencies charge candidates in India?

Do recruitment agencies charge candidates in India?
As of my last update in September 2021, it is not a common practice for reputable recruitment agencies in India to charge candidates for their services. Legitimate recruitment agencies typically receive their fees from the companies or employers who engage their services to find suitable candidates for job vacancies.

The process usually works as follows:

Employers Engage the Recruitment Agency: When a company has job vacancies, they may choose to seek the assistance of a recruitment agency to help them find qualified candidates. The employer and the recruitment agency enter into an agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of their collaboration.

Recruitment Agency Sources and Screens Candidates: The recruitment agency then conducts candidate sourcing, screening, and evaluation processes to identify potential candidates who match the requirements of the job positions.

Shortlisted Candidates Are Presented to the Employer: The best recruitment agencies in jaipur  presents a shortlist of qualified candidates to the employer, who then proceeds with the interview and selection process.

Fee Is Paid by the Employer: If the employer successfully hires a candidate introduced by the recruitment agency, the employer pays a recruitment fee to the agency. This fee is usually a percentage of the candidate's first-year salary and is paid by the employer for the services provided by the agency.

It's important for candidates to be cautious of any recruitment agency that requests payment or asks for personal financial information from them. Legitimate agencies do not charge candidates for their services. Instead, they aim to match qualified candidates with suitable job opportunities and receive their fees from the employers.

As the job market and industry practices may evolve over time, I recommend candidates stay informed about the latest practices and approach only reputable and well-established recruitment agencies for their job search endeavors.

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Do recruitment agencies charge candidates in India?

Do recruitment agencies charge candidates in India?


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