Laurence Pestell 님의 프로필

Saville Consulting Bureau App - Bootstrap

Using datatables I was able to configure a clientside table with all neccessary features our users needed. 
Forms with a very simple mobile first design.
Icons created along Saville Consulting Brand guidelines within illustrator so they can be applied into the project with the .svg file format.
Although this App is primarily targeted at Business desktop users (our previous analytics of the old app showed 100% desktop use) we incoorporated responsive acess to allow clients to access and ammend assesse details and reports whilst on mobile devices.
Saville Consulting Bureau App - Bootstrap

Saville Consulting Bureau App - Bootstrap

I was given the task of producing the UI and branding for the new Saville Consulting Bureau App. This is one of my smaller projects at Saville 자세히 보기


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