ChackChuck Magical Barbershop / Brand Identity

The ChackChuck brand name is based on the sound of scissors in barbershops. This is also a street word in Azerbaijan. This word is often from someone who uses it in the sense of tearing something. This name is associated with the barber because it means to cut, to tear, and the sound of scissors.

When people are worried about their hair and want to look good they go to barbershops. Also, sometimes it happens that some material there is a single broken hair (phone, tablet, computer, etc.), and because it bothers us, we clean it off the surface with our hands or by blowing it. A single feather was chosen as a symbol to express this concern. It will give you a feeling when you look at the visuals, like a feather stuck to your phone or computer screen. This chosen name and symbol help understand the brand better and encourages people to worry about haircuts.

ChackChuck Magical Barbershop / Brand Identity

ChackChuck Magical Barbershop / Brand Identity

The ChackChuck brand name is based on the sound of scissors in barbershops. This is also a street word in Azerbaijan. This word is often from som 자세히 보기
