医用透明质酸钠凝胶包装设计 Sodium hyaluronate design for medical use

品牌色调规划:颜色搭配基于品牌主色调的基础上,融入了澳洲画家Sally West夏日的颜色,提取了五种不同的颜色应用在五种不同的产品上,便于产品的区分。同时提升了品牌的年轻感和时尚感拉近了和新一代消费者的距离,符合新一代消费者的审美,整体的色调饱和度明度具有一致性,体现品牌的整体感,区别于市场上的同类产品,具有很强的辨识度和记忆点,澳洲的元素的提取不仅体现了品牌的澳洲属性同时也便于后期的营销策划推广。

Vonherth Medical Sodium Hyaluronate Gel Dressing Packaging Design
Design Tone: The creative design of the packaging is based on the brand's positioning and main color, and the overall design presents a relatively simple tone to reflect the sense of medical care.
Brand color planning: Based on the main color of the brand, the color scheme incorporates the summer colors of Australian painter Sally West, and five different colors are extracted and applied to five different products, which makes it easy to differentiate the products. At the same time to enhance the brand's sense of youth and sense of fashion to bring the new generation of consumers closer, in line with the aesthetics of the new generation of consumers, the overall color saturation brightness has consistency, reflecting the brand's sense of wholeness, distinguishing it from similar products on the market, with a strong degree of recognition and memory, the extraction of Australian elements not only reflects the brand's Australian attributes and also facilitates the promotion of the later stage of the marketing plan.

医用透明质酸钠凝胶包装设计 Sodium hyaluronate design for medical use

医用透明质酸钠凝胶包装设计 Sodium hyaluronate design for medical use

万和世医用透明质酸钠凝胶敷料包装设计 Vonherth Medical Sodium Hyaluronate Gel Dressing Packaging Design
