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《拜拜知影 bài bài tsai-iánn 》書籍裝幀設計

《拜拜知影 bài bài tsai-iánn 》

但這項文化卻漸漸在年輕一代間產生了疏離和排斥,甚至漠不關心,因此我們期望以年輕人的觀點切入,製作一本專屬的拜拜圖鑑工具書, 用平易近人、輕鬆易懂的方式呈現,引起觀者興趣進而了解拜拜這項值得傳承的傳統文化。

"bài nài" is very familiar to Taiwanese. It is not only an important culture and custom in Taiwan, but also  closely related to most people.
However, this culture has gradually become  alienated  and even indifference among the younger generation. Therefore, we hope to cut in from the perspective of young people and produce an  reference book , presented in an approachable and easy-to-understand way , to arouse the interest of the viewers to understand the traditional culture of "bài bài", which is worth inheriting.
《拜拜知影 bài bài tsai-iánn 》書籍裝幀設計
書籍落版、內頁編排、3D建模|王淳榆 Chun-Yu, Wang
3D建模、內頁編排、影像攝影|李真慧 Chen-Hui, Lee
3D建模、內頁編排、印後加工|陳潔霖 Jie-Lin, Chen
《拜拜知影 bài bài tsai-iánn 》書籍裝幀設計

《拜拜知影 bài bài tsai-iánn 》書籍裝幀設計
