Mariia Dozorova profili

Damien Rice concert collateral (University project)

The aim of the project was to create collateral based on real event. My chosen event was concert of Damien Rice in Concert Hall, Australia. In my work I tried to convey the emotions that audience receive from the music of Rice.
In the concept of this work I wanted to combine minimalism and deep emotions that follow Damien Rice music. The picture of rainy sky and rye field match the style of most Rice music videos ("The Blower's Daughter", "I Don’t Want To Change You"), with blur I wanted to give the feeling of melancholy and reverie, like misted glass, same as Rice songs. 
In brochure I used original concert materials. For keeping minimalistic style I used two Sans Serif fonts, and give enough white space inside of the brochure. Picture with singer looking to the endless field, helping understand the atmosphere of his ballads and also give space. 
The DL flyer have strong information hierarchy and staying consistent with collateral.
Damien Rice concert collateral (University project)
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Damien Rice concert collateral (University project)

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