Foosball Fun
All work and no play makes...
Sometimes our work consumes us because we love what we do. Taking a good break from the creative challenge is a welcomed pleasure. A good physical game of foosball usually does the trick.

Visit our facebook page for a more in depth look at Mark Bell and Belm Designs. Dont forget to become a fan.
Tornado T3000 Competition Foosball Table
Belm Designs Team Photo
Maybe something from the lounge to stimulate that creativity...
Beverages anyone...
Plenty of cool drink for those long games...
M. Bell and Aaron faceoff
Francisco and Aaron battle it out...
Ball in play...
just a place to relax, no monitors here...
All good things must come to an end, or at least until tomorrow
Fun in the studio


Fun in the studio

Sometimes our work consumes us because we love what we do. Taking a good break from the creative challenge is a welcomed pleasure. A good physica 자세히 보기


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