Welcome. I decided to show you some examples of characters from Russian fairy tales. I used a minimum of colors in these images and focused more on the lines. With the help of lines, I decided to show the elegance of the work.

I decided to talk a little about the attributes of my characters. Attributes are very important, because with their help we can convey the atmosphere and character of the character. His role in the film
In the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin, a mermaid is sitting on the branches. I was very inspired by this and decided to depict her sitting on oak branches and trying on jewelry. It's funny that she doesn't know how to use the crown, so she put it on her ponytail
Here are the references I used. I looked more at how the artists depicted oak leaves. I like this simplified version better.
Koschey the Deathless is a very gloomy character. He languishes over his gold in the castle and kidnaps beauties. He bewitched the girl, turning her into a swan and decided to hide in his chest
In order to portray this character as gloomy, I first of all wanted to portray him as thin and old. He is powerful, so I put a crown with bones on his head. I also depicted candles nearby to show that he lives in a gloomy place.
The character Beauty appears very often in many fairy tales. Many lines and ornaments show the beauty of the costume and lively hair.
In the references, the pose of the Beauty was important to me, I wanted to put her heroine in this pose. How she looks at herself, how she touches. All this is very important so that the viewer can feel the mood of the character.
Fairy tale
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Fairy tale

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