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Atlantic Puffins at Machias Seal Island

Early one morning in February 2023, I sat poised at my desk, eagerly anticipating the moment to refresh the page for the much-awaited release of summer tickets by the Bold Coast Charter Company. This company is renowned for its incredible trips to the enchanting Machias Seal Island, a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and bird lovers alike. In particular, the island is famous for its bustling population of Atlantic Puffins, who flock here each year for breeding.

The 2023 summer tickets for the Bold Coast Charter Company's trips to Machias Seal Island are highly sought after, and I made sure to set alarms to ensure I didn't miss the chance. I was fortunate enough to secure a seat for the specific day I wanted, as these tickets tend to sell out rapidly within the first hour, if not faster.

Fast forward to July 9th, the much-anticipated day of our journey to Machias Seal Island. The timing of our departure depended on the tides and could be as early as 7 am, but the tides allowed us a more relaxed morning with an 11 am departure.  My husband dropped me off at the marina in the quaint town of Cutler, Maine, with its small population of approximately 500. As we set off, the fog enveloped us, creating an ethereal atmosphere as our fishing boat ventured into the misty horizon.

Excitement and uncertainty filled the air as we weren't sure if we would be able to land on the island. The island's captivating allure lies in its remote and untouched beauty, but it can also be challenging to access due to its rugged terrain and unpredictable seas. Nevertheless, we remained hopeful that Mother Nature would be kind to us, allowing us to dock and fully experience the island's wonders.

Thankfully, luck was on our side, and we were able to land on Machias Seal Island! We were divided into two groups and ferried ashore in dinghies. Before disembarking, our guides equipped us with sticks to hold in the air, serving as protection from some of the more assertive birds on the island. These birds, known for their protective instincts, tend to target the highest point, hence the need for our makeshift defense. 

As we set foot on the island, our guides provided us with essential information, rules, and guidelines. We were then split into small groups and led to bird blinds—simple shelters accommodating 3-4 people, each equipped with windows at varying heights to observe and photograph the captivating Atlantic Puffins. These adorable and quirky seabirds find solace on this island during their breeding season, creating an awe-inspiring sight for nature enthusiasts.

Despite not being able to see them directly, we knew that hidden amidst the rocks were likely adorable baby puffins, waiting to make their debut into the world. As we observed the interactions of these magnificent birds, we were serenaded by the gentle tap-tap-tap of puffins landing on our blind's roof, providing us with a truly immersive experience.

In summary, the Bold Coast Charter Company offers unforgettable trips to the captivating Machias Seal Island, where the charming Atlantic Puffins find solace and create their own thriving habitat. It's a rare opportunity to witness these extraordinary birds up close, and the journey to the island is an adventure in itself, offering breathtaking views and a memorable experience in the heart of nature's untouched beauty.

Atlantic Puffins at Machias Seal Island

Atlantic Puffins at Machias Seal Island

"Discover the extraordinary world of Atlantic Puffins at Machias Seal Island with the Bold Coast Charter Company. Join us on a thrilling journey Lue lisää
