Profil użytkownika „Aleksa Bogdanović”

Atheist Sanctuary - Museum of Conspiracy Theories

Master's thesis
Atheist Sanctuary 
Museum of Conspiracy Theories
Master's thesis
Atheist Sanctuary 
Museum of Conspiracy Theories

each drawing has been hand-drawn freehand on a digital tablet*
In the research part of the project (You can find it at the of the post), I delved into the equation of religion and money in contemporary society, exploring how all individuals, regardless of their beliefs (be they religious or atheist), share a common element - money.

Upon finalizing the thesis, I realized that the entire work had taken the form of a new conspiracy theory. This realization led me to the idea that the project's objective should, in fact, be the establishment of a Conspiracy Theory Museum beneath the Kalemegdan Fortress, Belgrade, Serbia.
illustrations serve the purpose of providing enhanced visual explanations of the envisioned ambiance that the Conspiracy Theory Museum project would create.

Through these illustrations, the intended atmosphere and spatial qualities of the museum are conveyed, offering a clearer understanding of its conceptual design and immersive experience. By effectively combining design elements and visual storytelling, the illustrations aim to communicate the distinctive essence of the museum, illustrating how it would engage visitors in an intriguing journey through the realm of conspiracy theories.
Concrete and Abstract Program Diagrams for Understanding the Functionality of the Museum Space
Photographs from the exhibition of master's theses, 2022/2023
Research - Master's Thesis
Atheist Sanctuary - Museum of Conspiracy Theories
Textual Component of the Project
Atheist Sanctuary - Museum of Conspiracy Theories


Atheist Sanctuary - Museum of Conspiracy Theories
