Jason Tak's profile

Solar Solution Logotype/Identity

Solar Solution is a company based in Drama, Greece. It is a relatively new company, and its products mainly revolve around energy.
When they approached me, they didn't have a specific idea in mind for their company logo, so they gave me the freedom to present what I wanted.

Immediately, an idea was born in my mind. I envisioned something simple yet meaningful, and thus, I began searching for a connection between the company's name and a symbol that could accompany them from now on. I ended up with something very straightforward, as my initial idea was the letter "S" designed with six simple lines, reminiscent of how we used to draw it in school.
Subsequently, I developed this idea and combined it with the squares of a solar system, giving birth to the Solar Solution logo.
Next, I had to choose a font. My choice was simple yet timeless, as Helvetica is a widely recognised typeface , but at the same time, it is minimalistic and effective, just as I had envisioned for the logo.
The next step was to select the color. After consulting with the client, we settled on a green color that had been part of the company's color scheme from the beginning, and they wanted it to remain the same.
Facebook Banners
Business Cards
Logotype On Black and White
Please keep in mind that this is an ongoing project, as the company itself is evolving, resulting in the need for additional elements of the corporate identity, which are still in the design stage and will be implemented in a separate project when completed.

If you are still here thank you for your attention 
Please be sure to live some constructive criticism in the comment section bellow 
Also if you would like to work with me feel free to contact me:
Email: iasonastak@hotmail.com
Instagram: @_ja147_ <----click me
Solar Solution Logotype/Identity


Solar Solution Logotype/Identity
