Noel Park's profile


Winged Victory Tribute for the "EMERGENCE" Demo by HAGI
I followed an excellent FX tutorial created by the talented Japanese 3D artist YU HAGIOITA (HAGI)

This project is essentially a mimicry of his original masterpiece titled "EMERGENCE", where the VFX simulations are primarily based on the brilliant ideas presented in the original. My contribution to this tribute was to infuse my own aesthetic perspective, adding a unique touch to the project.
The entire pipeline was originally planned to be executed using Houdini, Redshift render, and Nuke composition. However, an issue arose where the Redshift material builder in Houdini did not collaborate with the displacement map for unspecified reasons. To address this problem, each component was transferred to Cinema 4D and rendered with Redshift's AOV selection, including Cryptomatte, for optimal composition in After Effects.
Huge thanks to HAGI for the great tutorial, demosntration and giving me a motivation that can never be priced.

Thank you for your watching.

Noel Park, Aspiring Visual Effect Artist

EMERGENCE tribute for HAGI

Softwares - Houdini, Cinema 4D, Redshift and After Effects

Sound - #19 Epilogue, (The Last Guardian) 「人喰いの大鷲トリコ」
ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK Composed by 古川毅, Furukawa Takeshi
