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Case Study: Brand Campaign with Sonam Bajwa

Brand Campaign with Sonam Bajwa

Orchestrated successful brand ambassador marketing campaign with Sonam Bajwa, including scripting, ideation, and comprehensive marketing efforts. Utilized video, WhatsApp, and email marketing alongside ATL/BTL initiatives, resulting in a 20% increase in queries and interactions across multiple touchpoints (landing page, social media, call center).

I played a vital role in collaborating with the dynamic teams of Sonam's, driving the creation of captivating video content from inception to final production. My responsibilities encompassed every aspect of the ideation process, including brainstorming compelling video concepts, crafting engaging storylines, and meticulously scripting the content. By coordinating with both teams and aligning their visions, I ensured that the video production output consistently met and exceeded expectations.
Mooofarm, a brand dedicated to serving farmers, operates within the realms of cattle trading, feed supply, and milk production across the villages of Rajasthan and Punjab. With a steadfast vision of 'Empowering Farmers for Profitability,' Mooofarm endeavors to integrate advanced agricultural technology to curb fraudulent practices while striving to emerge as the quintessential solution provider for all farming needs.

Having established a robust presence in Rajasthan over the years, the company sets its sights on expanding its operations into Punjab in 2023.

In its pursuit of further strengthening its brand identity, Mooofarm identified the need to engage a prominent figure as its Brand Ambassador. Enter Sonam Bajwa, a renowned personality in Punjab, making her the ideal choice for this role. 
Sonam's announcement video as a Brand Ambassador
- To create a strong brand positioning in Punjab ahead of farm launch.
- Promote Mooo Feed sales in Punjab.
- To drive sales and capture target audience's information for cohort built for future marketing efforts.
- To educate Punjab audience about brand offerings and values, leveraging Sonam's credibility.
- To generate excitement and buzz, increasing brand visibility through word-of-mouth and social sharing.
- To introduce new offering to the market and generate interest and anticipation among consumers.

Why Sonam Bajwa?
Sonam Bajwa commands a formidable presence in Punjab, evident from her substantial following both on social media and offline platforms, which notably encompasses 70% of the Punjab audience. Given her widespread influence and resonance with the local populace, there couldn't be a more fitting choice to create a brand buzz of such magnitude within the state.

Mode of communication adopted?
In this campaign, we tailored our communication approach to resonate with the specific audience in Punjab. Extensive market research revealed a strong preference for content in the local language, Punjabi, among our target demographic. As a result, all communication directed towards the Punjab audience was exclusively crafted in Punjabi, distinguishing it from our strategies in regions like Rajasthan where Hindi prevails, and from English for other purposes.

Medium of communication adopted?
Video marketing emerged as the cornerstone of our campaign strategy. Through compelling video content, we effectively communicated our brand's vision, values, and showcased our products and services. To bolster our promotional efforts, we conducted a targeted photoshoot featuring our brand ambassador. These images were strategically incorporated into both below-the-line (BTL) and above-the-line (ATL) activities, including brochures, banners, posters, and social media posts, enhancing the overall impact and engagement of the campaign.​​​​​​​

Videos were meticulously scripted with keeping the vision, tone, TG and services in the mind. 
Concept notes:
1. Progressive farmer video: A story building technique was adopted to convey the progressive farmer theme. Mooofarm gives a status of "progressive farmers" to farmers associated with them as they are more sound in decision making, making right decisions, part of the white-tech-revolution and revolutionizing the facets of the sector by being more competitive, sustainable and profitable.
Final video: Pitching the progressive farmer theme
2. E-Vet service pitch video: One distinctive feature that sets Mooofarm apart within the cattle trading industry is its invaluable free veterinary service. This service not only distinctive the brand in the field but also underscores its commitment to the welfare of both farmers and their livestock. This video centered around the theme of persuasion, highlighting Mooofarm's unwavering availability and interactive nature. Through this lens, we showcased how Mooofarm goes beyond traditional trading platforms, offering constant support and assistance to farmers, thereby fostering trust and loyalty within the community.
Final video: Pitching the E-Vet service at Mooofarm 
3. Mooo Saathi program video: At the heart of Mooofarm's mission lies a clear vision, empowering farmers and revolutionizing the agricultural sector through strategic technological advancements. Central to this vision is the Mooo Saathi program, an innovative initiative designed to provide farmers with numerous incentives for prosperity. This video aims to persuade and educate them of the opportunity. Beyond mere financial gains, the program offers employment opportunities and the chance to become catalysts for progressive change within the industry. By partnering with Mooofarm, farmers not only enhance their own livelihoods but also play an active role in shaping the future of agriculture, serving as ambassadors of positive transformation.
Final video: Mooofarm's Mooo Saathi program is for all partners associated with Mooofarm 
4. Punjab launch video: In the video launching Mooofarm in Punjab, we crafted a compelling narrative that showcases the brand's comprehensive service model, encompassing cattle, feed, milk, highlighting opportunities with Mooo Saathi program. Through captivating visuals and persuasive messaging, we communicate Mooofarm's commitment to revolutionizing the agricultural landscape in Punjab, offering not only essential resources but also avenues for growth, partnership, and community development. Joining Mooofarm isn't just about accessing quality products and services—it's about embracing a vision for a brighter, more sustainable future in farming.
Final video: A complete brand video for Punjab audience: from feed, cattle to partner opportunities
Other videos shot were:
Mooo Feed video

- WhatsApp marketing increased call center queries by 30% (CTA clicks).
- Brochures, banners, highway branding, in-store branding, creative communications, Mooo Feed bags were updated with Sonam integration. 
- Social media marketing along with Sonam's posting on her page increased about Mooofarm increased Mooofarm's social media followers substantially. 
- Performance marketing on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube increased our brand virality. 
- Sonam Bajwa being the face, brought credibility to the brand. A word-of-mouth was created that positioned the brand as one to be trusted. 
Case Study: Brand Campaign with Sonam Bajwa


Case Study: Brand Campaign with Sonam Bajwa

