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Vagina Museum #网页/APP 设计

Vagina Museum
#网页/APP 设计

Vagina Museum是London一个科普阴道以及妇女知识的博物馆, 鼓励女性相信科学, 正面和接纳自己的身体.但是由于疫情和地理位置的局限,很多人不能到场参观,把这个展览做成网站或者是APP可以传播更广泛.

这个应用程序和网站旨在打破有关阴道的误区并还原真相。妇科解剖,在当今社会仍然是一个禁忌话题。就像其他话题在社会和教育中的代表性不足一样,流行文化中关于“那里”误区和传说多于事实, 以不止一种方式直接影响着人们的生活。缺乏信息和缺乏相关的、可访问的关于阴道在哪里以及外阴包含什么和看起来的例子意味着已经形成了无法实现的正常观念。这导致对我们应该对自己的身体有什么期望、它们应该是什么样子以及我们与它们的关系抱有不切实际的期望。更重要的是,它导致人们对自己的身体采取极端行动—例如,2002 年至 2012 年间,仅 NHS 的阴唇整形手术就增加了 500%。我们都有不同的脸,不同的鼻子——那为什么我们的外阴不一样呢?本次展览仅突出了少数流传的神话在流行文化、互联网等诸多平台上,关于妇科解剖,希望能证明神话传说是童话故事,而不是在我们的身体里。

Vagina Museum
#Website / Application Design

Vagina Museum is a museum of popular science and women’s knowledge in London. It encourages women to believe in science, to be positive and to accept their bodies. However, due to the epidemic and geographical limitations, many people can’t visit the venue. You can make this exhibition a website or an APP. Spread more widely.

This science app and website aims to break the myth about vagina and restore the truth. gynaecological anatomy, are still a taboo subject. Like any topic that is under represented in society and education, more myths and legends exist in popular culture about all things “down there” than fact. This is directly impacting people's lives in more ways than one. A lack of information and a lack of relatable, accessible examples of where the vagina is and what a vulva contains and looks like means that unachievable ideas of what is normal have been formed. This has led to unrealistic expectations of what we should expect from our bodies, what they should look like and our relationship with them. More importantly, it has led people to take extreme actions with their own bodies – for example, between 2002 and 2012 labiaplasty surgery increased by 500% on the NHS alone. We all have a different face, a different nose – so why wouldn 't we all have a different vulva? This exhibition highlights just a handful of the myths that circulate in popular culture, the internet and many other platforms about the gynaecological anatomy and hopes to prove that myths and legends are for fairy-tales, not in our bodies.
Vagina Museum #网页/APP 设计

Vagina Museum #网页/APP 设计
