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媽祖叫我做實驗 EXAM BY MAZU

EXAM BY MAZU品牌設計透過形狀、色彩、質感等媒介,為大眾提供另一個審視傳統文化的視角。

Through the mediums of shape, color, and texture, the brand design of EXAM BY MAZU seeks to offer the public another lens through which to view traditional culture. Our designs aim to narrow the distance between the public and traditional religious beliefs and offer greater understanding of Taiwan's unique culture, while also improving awareness of the feasibility of environmental protection.

【設計團隊】:# 媽祖叫我做實驗  EXAM  BY  MAZU
    影像設計 :  卓訓邦   /   XUN-BANG ZHUO
計劃主持 :  林易萱   /   YI-SYUAN LIN
    設計統籌 :  鍾誌仁   /   CHIH-JEN CHUNG
專案統籌 :  王煒勝   /   WEI-SHENG WANG
策劃執行 :  易子恒   /   TZU-HENG YI
    美術設計 :  陳振維   /   JEN-WEI CHEN

企劃 總指導老師:秦 安 慧  老 師   /   An-Hui Ching
視覺 總指導老師:黃 煒 仁  老 師   /   Wei-Jen Huang

媽祖叫我做實驗 EXAM BY MAZU

媽祖叫我做實驗 EXAM BY MAZU
