Pandemic Habit(at)s - travel exhibition poster

The travel exhibition concept focuses on experiencing the environmental impact of our everyday life during the Covid-19 pandemic. The key art of the poster corresponds to the mirror maze room design in the exhibition, merged with the exhibition title. The people in the maze of alphabets stand in their own circles as a hint of social distancing, that we were familiar with during the pandemic. The graphic style referenced from Herb Lubalin's work that is involved with the proximity of each graphic elements. The color tones are clinical that matches the exhibition theme.

Red Sparrow - movie poster

The scene-build poster gives a hint of the leading character with a interrogation room, with herself outside the room, watching her own past on the mirror inside the room.

The Trial - serial theatre poster

The serial poster idea is based on Dada graphic style that fits the absurd plot of the novel by Franz Kafka. The ideas were executed with picture montage and referenced original Dada artworks from 1910's, when Kafka wrote the novel in the same period.
The leading character of the play woke up one day and suddenly was judged guilty for no reason and later sentenced to death. The absurdity of the plot is the inspiration to design Dada style posters.

Scene mock-ups set in public spaces in London.

Age of Imagination - museum exhibition poster

Poster design for V&A Museum exhibition design project, themed on foreign influences in English culture in Georgian Era England. Instead of articulating the abstract exhibition concept through graphics, the strategy is to maintain V&A Museum's consistent brand image, while keeping the exhibition's tone of Georgian decorative art elements and colors, revealing some exhibits as a hint of exhibition contents. The design form uses the museum logo as the composition structure to enhance the brand image. There are designs that separates in 2 posters for different ad campaign site situation such as underground billboards and street banners.

Poster designs


Poster designs
