Skateboard design featured in Advanced Photoshop Magazine
Stylish skateboard design. Advanced Photoshop Magazine featured this work in the Dutch issue no. 30 of 2010. This design served as my entry for AP’s monthly design challenge. The actual skateboard was produced as a one of a kind piece. It now has a decorative function in my office.
The assignment was to  creatively play with some provided stock material by using adjustment layers and blending options. The theme was ‘structured chaos’. I choose to put the whole thing in duotone in duotone to make it structured. The background of the skateboard design contains elements of the milky way, a direct reference to the theme. The koi fish in the upper corner of the board are to be associated with harmony. To connect it with the center element of the girl I made the koi red. The meaning of koi fish is also believed to be symbolic with family. In Japan on Childrens Day koi flags are raised among wich the red one are for the daughters.
Why on a skateboard? I think this action packed sport is the best example of structuring chaos. When boarding you connect all elements of your surrounding, moving or not, to find your way through the streets or through the park.
Skateboard design

Skateboard design

Stylish skateboard design. Advanced Photoshop Magazine featured this work in the Dutch issue no. 30 of 2010. This design served as my entry for A 자세히 보기
