Hello, take a look at my final project of the Summer in Graphic Processes!
For this project, we had to choose between the Seven Deadly Sins or the Seven Heavenly Virtues, then create a composition for each sin/faith, and create a document and print it on tabloid newspaper on 55gsm paper. I chose the Heavenly Virtues, the principles of chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility. All of the compositions were made with my photography, found photography used from Pexels, and compositions/illustrations I made analogue and digitally. This project was printed thanks to the Newspaperclub in London.

Here is the link to my dropmark!

Front Cover
Virtue of Charity: Collage
Virtue of Temperance: Illustrator Graphic
Virtue of Diligence: Model (Raegan Sibert)
Heavenly Virtues
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Heavenly Virtues

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