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Ouroboros / Anatolian Symbols

    Ouroboros is a snake biting its own tail. This is a circle without a starting and ending point. It represents an energy bringing life and death. The snake keeps his tail in his mouth and this is the symbol of eternity and circular periods.  Spirit and matter are the opposite poles of the same essence and also it is the center of magnetic energy. 
    Duality can be seen in everything.  It can be observed in masculine and feminine as well as in active and passive. According to the symbolism, snake represents the fire, light, life, struggle, power, thought, consciousness, continuum, civilization, freedom and also the snake with its opposite poles represents a constantly turning cycle. 
Sane is the symbol of powers, wisdom and deliberateness of Sacred Knowledge and it also represents both a spiritual destruction and also the emotional element which causes existence. 
Snake is a fertile masculine power, it is the partner of all women and universally, existence of a snake is associated with pregnancy. It accompanies all the female goddesses and generally it is depicted as wandering around the female or women holding it in their hands. Also, the snake has the features of female such as secret, mysterious and intuitional. It represents the infinity rooted universal spirit from which everything is born by separating or changing.

Ouroboros / Anatolian Symbols


Ouroboros / Anatolian Symbols

"Kök, Anatolian Sembols" was created with the mechanical parts used by the automotive industry and aimed to use the universal symbolic language. Læs mere
