Below is my final project for the Graphic Processes class. Our objective was to take the Seven Heavenly Virtues or the Seven Deadly Sins and turn them into spreads. 
I then printed it on a tabloid-sized newspaper. All of the spreads were created using digital and analog methods. This project was printed courtesy of the Newspaper Club. You can find my inspiration on my dropmark.

In this project, I chose the Seven Heavenly Virtues. The following is how the spreads were to be organized:

Chastity/purity - analog collage
Temperance - type portrait 
Charity/giving - personal photograph
Diligence - personal duotone photograph
Kindness - found object photo
Generosity - found image with handwritten type
Humility - constructed image with type

An old catholic cathedral sets the mood for the print.
The Chastity collage is made out of a magazine and found images.
The Charity spread is a personal photo taken by myself. 
The Humility spread is made of a sort of analog collage.
Here is a digital version of my tabloid created using Heyzine.

Seven Heavenly Virtues
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Seven Heavenly Virtues

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