Oil on Paper

This is my first oil painting. I have used other mediums such as watercolor, charcoal, graphite and ink, but this painting is my first time using oil. It was very interesting, this medium has its own nature and behavior, and it was different to anything else I have used to paint or draw.

I enjoyed painting it a lot. Reflecting about it, this type of paint is somehow alive. On the surface, if it is thick enough, is not flat, it pops out. The feel on the brush is different, even mixing color is different. Is very pleasant to see how the pigments blend together. Ever since every time I paint, I reflect and learn more and more about the paint, the color, the light, and other mediums.

It was hard to choose a topic or subject to paint, I was afraid of ruining the painting or waste material. But once the first brushstroke covered the surface, everything flowed. I really like nigiri sushi; I think that from its simplicity derives its complexity. Somehow, nigiri and oil painting, shares this characteristic.



