These images of 10 men are currently on exhibit at my studio/gallery.  I did two images of each man: one for his Shadow Mission, and one for his Gold Mission.  The men wrote their missions out by hand and I incorporated them into the images.

So that you can read them, I've written the missions in the captions below the images.  Read the artist statement in the first image for important context...
As a man among men, I control the world                                          As a man among men, I create a dynamic world        
                                                                                                           in which my needs and your needs are in balance
I create a world apart from others with people-pleasing and      I create a more truthful world by speaking and living my truth
lies so you will like me and I won't be alone.
My shadow mission is to never be ok, never trust, believe           I create a world in which I know I'll always be taken care
there is never enough, take and demand and live in fear             of.  I will have what I need and the universe will care for me
                                                                                                      and those around me.
My shadow mission is to hide the talent that has been              My mission is to be a good steward of the time, talent and
given to me when it would be most important to show               treasure that has been given to me and encourage other
and shine my talents...                                                                men, women and children to be good stewards of the time,
                                                                                                    talent and treasure that has been given to them.
I create a world of danger and pain by fearing and hating             I create a world of meaning and purpose by empowering
                                                                                                        people to connect with the divine/universal within
I create a world of sadness and separation                                 I create a world of happiness and integration
by isolating myself                                                                        by giving myself
I create a world in which I keep quiet when I should be             I create an authentic world where I am up front with people
voicing my opinion.  It can give people the wrong                      regarding my opinions.  It is a world of transparency.
impression but it can serve me well.  It is a sin
of omission.
I create a hateful, chaotic world by judging, controlling                    I create peace by embracing the Oneness
and killing the diving spark in you
I create a world of emotional disconnect by isolating               I create a world of emotional connection by staying present
and being detached                                                                  to my feelings and the feelings of others
I hide from other people because I'm afraid of what               I connect with others because I am playful,
they might think of me                                                             adventurous and authentic.
Shadow Mission

Shadow Mission

Portraits of men of the Mankind Project and their handwritten Shadow Missions.
