Yacht Club / Marina Concepts in Sardinia Pt.1
Organic architecture nestled between Sardinia's stunning coasts and lush greenery, these designs celebrate the harmony of sea, nature, and humanity. 

Utilizing Rhino models and captivating visuals, envisioned various marina concepts, blending them with photographs of Italy's enchanting Sardinian coast.
Rhino Created Design Variations vol.1
As a result of this chain of combinations, various designs have emerged. 

Although these designs are sometimes artificial intelligence supported designs, some are combinations of designs or even designs themselves.
Rhino Created Design Variations vol.2
After providing the variations in the design, these designs were chosen among many designs by paying attention to the sea-nature-human triangle.
The shapes of the buildings are based on organic architecture in order to continue the fluidity of the sea in the building environment and to combine it with the serenity of the forest.​​​​​​​
In this way, unusual, rich and luxurious designs have emerged for people.​​​​​​​
Rhino Created Design Variations vol.3
As the designs evolved, the sea-nature-human triangle played a crucial role, selecting designs that met exceptional standards.
Some concepts integrate both yacht club and marina features, serving high society, while others create park/marina systems accessible to the public, free from social status, providing joy in the embrace of sea and nature.
Fluidity of the sea, Serenity of the forest
Sardinia Y.C. and Marina I
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Sardinia Y.C. and Marina I

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