Mersad in 3D world.

A 3D Artwork Showcasing Nika Khipashvili's Incredible Typeface.

"Mersad" is a typeface like no other, with its central symbol being the striking asterisk (*). Nika's masterful design has transformed this font into a true work of art, and I was deeply inspired by its ingenuity and versatility.

As a passionate 3D artist, I decided to take on the challenge of crafting an artwork that not only celebrates "Mersad" but also pushes the boundaries of visual creativity. The result is a series of posters that use advanced 3D techniques and software to create a dynamic and eye-catching presentation of Nika's font.

I want to emphasize that the stars of this project are Nika's innovative font, "Mersad," and its expressive design. My role was to create 3D artwork that highlights the font's unique personality and showcases its potential in various design applications.

- to see Mersad's presentation press: Mersad

*Mersad in 3D


*Mersad in 3D
