Aashi Agrawal's profile

Website - CoolCoach Academy

CoolCoach Academy Website
UI & UX Design
CoolCoach started in 2016 with the mission to make nations fit by educating and instilling healthy habits while providing fitness related career opportunities. CoolCoach Academy is a subset that delivers programs for youth from low-income communities to build a career in the fitness industry.

They required a website that builds their brand presence, shares information of the programs they provide and inspire. Their audience are Athletes and NGO Partners.
As the website was a high priority with a quick turnaround, we took the lean UX approach. The first step to the design was the wireframe based on the content structure that was provided, using Adobe XD. This helped us to see the flow of the website for desktop and mobile. At this time, we were focusing on a one-page website.
Once the wireframe was approved, on Zoho Sites, I designed a low-fidelity prototype of the sections linking to the navigation bar + the buttons that direct to their respective links. 

Challenge: The overall look was approved (image below) but changes in content had to be made.
Once the content changes came in, it changed a lot of the website. As time was constraint, I worked directly on the low-fidelity prototype of the website. The main theme colour was purple since it is the primary colour of CoolCoach Academy.
The two sections with a photograph background covered with low opacity colours are set to parallax scroll. This creates a dynamic user experience, so important information such as the programs offered, and the career paths drawn from it can gain attention.
Overtime we created other webpages as well to distribute content in categories for a more effective communication. You can view the entire CoolCoach Academy website here.​​​​​​​
Full homepage below
Website - CoolCoach Academy


Website - CoolCoach Academy
