Profil Nanda Widyasari

A Sustainable Vegies Supplier, Karangkitri Permakultur

Meet the Sustainable Vegetables Supplier, Karangkitri Permakultur
If you've ever been to Yabbiekayu, you must have noticed that we have an edible garden to support our vegetable supply. However, we can’t rely on the garden completely yet to fulfill all of our vegetable needs. We still need to source ingredients from suppliers or specialty stores. It’s not easy to find suppliers that exactly match our values and goals. After all, we’re not picking our suppliers randomly without knowing how they provide the stock.

Meet Mas Budi and Mbak Septi, a couple of farmers who own a plantation with organic planting principles in Cangkringan, Sleman! Under the name ‘Karangkitri Permakultur’, they manage their agricultural crops together with farming animals. They're implementing a system where the seeds get the nutrition naturally, and use the livestock’s (chickens, goats, guinea pigs, and cows) dung as fertilizer. Since the weather and the seasons heavily impact the crops, they often struggle to compete with commercial grown produce. Vegetables are not always looking as "pretty" as they do in the supermarket and that's just fine, says Mbak Septi, Actually, it is very natural to have vegetables that aren't perfectly shaped. They are definitely edible and tastier for sure!

From helping their parents since 2010 and now owning their land, Mas Budi and Mbak Septi build relationships with other suppliers and vendors based on trust. They don’t want to have business partners who are only profit-oriented. They prefer to partner up with people who use fair trade principles and are transparent in their transactions. As sellers, they often meet customers who don’t understand the meaning of organic vegetables. That's why Mas Budi and Mbak Septi often have to educate customers about why organic vegetables are healthier and the price is a bit higher.

Karangkitri sends their harvest to Yabbiekayu 2 to 3 times a week. Since we've started working with them last month, we noticed that their vegetables look healthier and more durable to be kept in stock. For us it's crucial to know where the food on your plate comes from, that’s what #paddocktoplate is all about.

So, have you tracked down where the food on your plate comes from?

Text and photos by Nanda Widyasari
Text revised by Maria Stephanie
A Sustainable Vegies Supplier, Karangkitri Permakultur


A Sustainable Vegies Supplier, Karangkitri Permakultur
