Location: Hudson River, New York, New Jersey
Year: 2022
Type: competition project

Architecture team: Viktoria Shmidt, Jorge Ortiz, Kateryna Kovalchuk, Helen Trokhymchuk, Alina Barsehian, Ivan Kucherenko

The skyscraper as a connection
The skyscraper as a symbol of unity
The skyscraper as ...

We envision a future where projects will be developed not as separate entities bound by the limits of a predefined block but rather as extensions and improvements of the cities’ existing buildings and infrastructure - a continuous ecosystem of spaces and the systems that sustain them. 

These projects act as balancing agents that physically and programmatically enhance their surroundings with new structures and ways to use them.
The proposed scheme sits on a 12 000m2 base at the edge of Liberty State Park and projects horizontally, creating a new link between New York and Jersey City – A green network that extends from The Battery to Liberty Park, relieving the tension of one of America’s most densely populated areas.

Two vertical mixed-use clusters rise on the side of New Jersey and constitute a global research hub aimed at the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies as well as the timely assessment of global risks and the development of initiatives for dealing with global challenges. Additionally, the building considers a series of public, retail, and leisure spaces, with apartments and open recreational areas in between.
With the final goal of promoting a balanced and sustainable flow of people, resources, and ideas, we envisioned a building to perform as a bridge between the cities of the world.
Thank you!
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