Kyiv - summer 2023. For the first time in several years, the ethno festival "Kraїna Mriy" is being held. These years have been very strange and tragic. Humanity has experienced a pandemic. And now, there is a war in Ukraine. The most devastating since World War II. The entire territory of Ukraine is under attack by ballistic and cruise missiles. Over 5,000 such missiles have already been launched by Russia on peaceful cities in Ukraine. Additionally, new hypersonic missiles are being used, capable of destroying entire residential blocks. This was unheard of in World War II. Of course, in the first year of full-scale invasion in Ukraine, festivals were not held for safety reasons. But the people who stayed in Ukraine have earned the right to have at least a little celebration. Our battered and hardened psyche needs it. We are no longer afraid of anything. Because life is more important than anything, even more important than death. It was a very festive and joyful festival with Ukrainian folk songs and rock music. There were also ancient Cossack songs. We were lucky - there were no air alarms during that time, and we didn't have to hide in bomb shelters. However, the festival ended at 10 PM because from midnight until morning, a curfew is in effect in Ukraine, which means that only military personnel are allowed on the streets. That's how we live in Kyiv during the war.
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