Profiel van Gaanya Singh

Social media post on 'World population day'

Social media post for ATS
On 'World Population Day'
Excited to unveil my latest project on Behance, created during my enriching internship at Adfactors Advertising.
The concept behind the poster I created for ATS, the renowned infrastructure company, for World Population Day revolves around the theme of "a home for everyone." To convey this message effectively, I visualized a striking image of an ATS building in vector style that symbolizes a harmonious and inclusive community. The building, designed in the distinctive ATS style, serves as a welcoming abode for people from all walks of life. In the windows of the building, I depicted diverse individuals engaging in various day-to-day activities, showcasing the vibrant essence of humanity. These activities reflect the rich tapestry of life, from studying and working to playing and caring for one another. By portraying these different chores, I aim to highlight the essence of a true home that embraces and accommodates everyone's needs and aspirations. The poster encapsulates ATS's commitment to creating spaces that nurture and support individuals, making it a perfect homage to World Population Day and the celebration of humanity's unity and diversity.
Behind the scenes!
Initial idea!
Social media post on 'World population day'


Social media post on 'World population day'
