Hello, I would like to present you a few concepts of advertising campaigns I worked on for the Russian Federation, HC Sochi and HC SKA.

For the Russian Federation, I decided to stick to the retro style and create an image uniting the entire goalie team together with the symbols of the city. My goal was to attract attention with the campaign and make it memorable.

When working on HC Sochi, I decided to take inspiration from the fact that the club is located in a subtropical region and was inspired by the club's symbol - the leopard. My task was to create a bright and noticeable design that would reflect the characteristics of this unique club.

And for HC SKA, I focused on the main goalie, giving him a dominant position on the banner. This helped emphasize the importance and significance of this player on the team.

Each of these concepts was developed taking into account the features and symbols of the respective club, and I hope that they will be effective and attract the attention of the audience.
Key visual Ice hockey tournaments


Key visual Ice hockey tournaments
