Behold: the Weinercorn!
No YOU have a marvelous day.
Where is my mind?
Goth mermaid.
Comparing apples and oranges.
SLUGGISH? TIRED? LAZY? TRY Dr. Slothington's Elixir—"The Cure for What Ails You"
Taking bunny out for a walk - wearing Thom Browne.
Your cat's bucket list.
Birdwatching is boring.
I AM. I AM A PRETTY BOY—Oh, how long have you been standing there?
Expulsion from the Garden of Graphophilia
Jennifer Rain Sherwin's art blog, THEMOSTMARVELOUSDAY.COM: Ink drawings that are a little twisted, lovely, and macabre—with a funny after-taste.


PERHAPS WE STAYED TOO LONG AT THE FAIR Jennifer Rain Sherwin's Ink drawings are a bit twisted—with a funny after-taste.
