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Bubble Tea Branding

Branding & Packaging 
Designing a cute logo for boba tea involves incorporating elements that represent the fun and delightful nature of the beverage.The colors are bright and vibrant that complements the theme of boba tea.The central element of the logo is a charming and fluffy dog character. The dog represents the brand's friendly and welcoming personality. Its cute appearance evoke feelings of joy and warmth, making customers feel like they're enjoying a comforting treat.

Sunny Peach: The primary color in your milk tea flavor is reflected in the peach-colored cup held by the dog. It represents the core product and creates a visually appealing contrast against the beige tones of the dog.

Vannila: These colors dominate the dog's fur, creating a soft and comforting feel that complements the milk tea concept.

Meet Cloudy!

The logo features a cute and happy dog that we'll call "Cloudy." She is a lovable and imaginative dog with a playful and gentle demeanor. She embodies the essence of a fluffy cloud, bringing a sense of lightness and joy to everyone she meets. Cloudy is curious and always eager to try new things, especially when it comes to boba tea and exploring various forms of art.

Cloudy's presence in the logo conveys the message that Kincha Tea is a place of joy, creativity, and comfort. Customers are invited to enjoy their favorite boba tea and embrace their artistic side in a relaxed and friendly environment, just like Cloudy the cloud-like dog.

Stickers & cups 

The design is minimalistic and appealing, making it suitable for various applications, from stickers to packaging.
Menu & appeal

The catalog showcases an array of boba tea flavors that cater to various tastes and preferences. It includes classic flavors like taro , macha milk tea as well as more unique offerings like hand rammed lemon tea, lychee. 

The stylization of the catalog is cute yet futuristic.We blend modern design elements with adorable and whimsical aesthetics.The color palette revolves around pastel hues and black, drawing inspiration from the colors of the sky during a beautiful sunrise or sunset. Soft shades of peach, and yellow dominate the interior, creating a dreamy and soothing ambiance.
The website's aesthetics revolve around futuristic space exploration, while keeping the brand's cute and whimsical identity intact.Illustrations of Cloudy, and other cute elements are redesigned with a touch of space influence. Cloudy might be depicted floating playfully among stars or sitting on the table. These illustrations add a sense of wonder and adventure to the website.We add a hover effect in main page ti create a sense of depth and movement as users scroll through the website. The tea in the foreground can appear to move at a different pace than the cosmic background, enhancing the futuristic space effect.
*** click on Kincha Tea on the left corner for the best experience.
Bubble Tea Branding


Bubble Tea Branding
