Programa Azul is a fidelity program for Azul airlines in Brazil.
The goal was to show how easy it is to gather fidelity points and use them for a free travel.
It was based on the advertising poster and it took a week to be nice and shining.

The art direction is on DPZ Publicis team and adapted to video by myself.
I also had a help from my recently trained assistant Shiau Yeung. Yeah she got it!

This was the first job with Latitude Filmes, a awesome production partner.
Advertising poster made by DPZ Publicis team.
Technical Sheet:
Direction and Motion Graphics: Fernando Colares
Assistant Motion Graphics: Shiau Yeung
Production: Latitude Filmes
Art direction: DPZ Publicis team
Programa Azul


Programa Azul

Advertising for Azul airlines fidelity program.
