Kishi Creative

Client / Kishi Creative
Location / Lagos, Nigeria
Timeline / April - May 2023
Scope of Work / Brand Refresh, Illustrations, Graphic Design, Guidelines
Design & Design Strategy / Ganiyu Razak
Creative Direction / Quadri Osho
Strategy / Adeoluwa Abraham


Elevating brands with purposeful expression​​​​​​​

Kishi Creative is a branding and communications agency based in Lagos with an extensive portfolio serving clients in Nigeria and abroad. They specialize in assisting brands in crafting their identities and effectively engaging their target audience.
Recently, the agency embarked on a brand asset expansion journey, prompting a strategic decision to undergo a rebranding process. It's important to note that this rebranding effort wasn't a complete overhaul; rather, it retained the overarching essence of their prior branding. The approach involved introducing an expanded color palette, new design elements and a redesign of their logo, which now incorporates a symbol, a departure from their previous wordmark logo.

The discovery session led to a realization that we wanted the brand to be simple, Unrestricted, Expressive and Fun.

Logo Rationale
The aim is to communicate the essence of being expressive, progressive and unconfined. 

Logo Lockups

In the realm of effective logo design, lockups hold a fundamental role. They establish an organized composition for a brand's visual elements, guaranteeing uniformity and adaptability across diverse applications. To reinforce Kishi's branding system, we crafted several purposeful lockups.

Imagery and Typography

Kishi Creative's imagery style follows a black and white color scheme, maintaining a harmonious blend of professionalism and a laid-back vibe. Their commitment to delivering exceptional work fosters strong client loyalty.

In terms of typography, Switzer Semibold is to be used for headlines, with Argent CF as a secondary option. However, the both can also be mixed creatively for headers. For body copy or regular texts, Switzer regular or extralight is the standard choice.

Colour Palette

These colours were inspired by creativity, youthfulness and the fun Kishi Creative dwell in as a creative agency.

Core Colour Palette: Usage: 90%

Extended Colour Palette: Usage: 10%

Illustration Style

© 2024 Kishi Creative Agency

Kishi Creative