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Paws Journey Home

Paw’s Journey Home is frame-by-frame animation that tells a story of the emotional journey of a dog as he navigates the transition from a pet shelter to a new life. Through the dog’s perspective, viewers witness the mixture of anxiety, anticipation and resilience in the face of an unknown future.

Through the eyes of the newly adopted dog, we embark on an emotional journey, witnessing his anxieties about the uncertain future, yet also sensing his anticipation for the new life that awaits him.

Behind the scene

My ideas primarily stem from everyday observations. For instance, the feeling of gazing out of a car window on a rainy day or the expression of a frightened cat peeking out of a pet carrier. Below are some of the behind process of the animation, enjoy!

Thumbnail and final storyboard

Character Design

Influenced by illustrators like Oyowwo and Haolun Liu, I aimed to develop a style that exudes warmth and depth. Employing textured brushes, I achieved a hand-drawn appearance, adding character to my animations by embracing imperfections. I believe that perfection is not always necessary in art, as there are no strict rules; it's the emotions conveyed that truly matter.

Props Design​​​​​​​
When a dog feels scared, it may perceive itself as small in comparison to its surroundings, while an anxious dog may feel trapped in a confined room, as if the walls are closing in. These examples illustrate how emotions and psychological factors can alter our subjective experience of space. Similarly, humans also experience perceptual distortions influenced by fear, anxiety, or discomfort. Overall, our mental and emotional state plays a crucial role in shaping how we perceive and interact with the spatial environment around us.

Animation process

I animated the outlines in Clip Studio Paint, then exported the frames to photoshop to colour and add detail for each frames. Most of the scenes are animated on fours (6fps).

Read my creation process here :Paw’s Journey Home - + (

Thanks for watching! See more of my works on my instagram @tzeearn_

Paws Journey Home

Paws Journey Home

Paw’s Journey Home is a frame-by-frame animation that tells a story of the emotional journey of a dog as he navigates the transition from a pet s Read More
