The token creation system in HomeUA is a remarkable feature that offers a collection of 100 cubic houses with a distinctive isometric view. Each house is individually designed with a unique color and symbolism. These houses are further divided into three components and recombined in random orders, resulting in an incredible variety of 10,000 one-of-a-kind cubic house designs. This ensures that every NFT holder possesses a truly unique and exclusive piece of HomeUA's architectural collection.

HomeUA - MR NFT project which opens for holders a DAO system on creation of real settlement in a safe region of Ukraine. Through internal voting a project community can influence the design style of the future homes. Each 100 NFT opens for the community a new modular house to be released.

In the design of the houses, HomeUA incorporates elements inspired by the rich heritage of the Trypillia culture, an important part of Ukrainian history. These cultural elements serve as a tribute to the country's ancient roots and add a distinctive and meaningful touch to the overall aesthetics of the homes. By blending modern modular housing with elements from Ukraine's past, HomeUA creates a unique and culturally significant living environment for the community.

In an exciting development, HomeUA offers a dynamic token system where each repurchase of the token adds an additional floor to the existing structure. This innovative feature enables token holders to build high-rise cities and foster a vibrant community. The more repurchases occur, the taller and more impressive these virtual cities become. Notably, each virtual city will be named after real cities in Ukraine, creating a sense of connection and pride among the HomeUA community. Join us in constructing remarkable urban landscapes and forging strong bonds within our growing network of virtual cities.

A collection of 100 unique house designs is an impressive showcase of creativity and craftsmanship. Each house's distinctiveness adds to the charm and diversity of the HomeUA project. From traditional to modern aesthetics, these designs offer a wide range of architectural styles that will captivate and inspire the NFT holders. Explore the collection and discover the beauty and individuality of each house in this remarkable assortment.

That's a wonderful addition! Including a collection of backgrounds featuring traditional Ukrainian ornaments with historical connections to specific cities or regions of Ukraine adds depth and cultural richness to the project. The unique gradients and city names associated with each background create a visually captivating and personalized experience for the NFT holders. It's an opportunity to celebrate and showcase the diverse artistic heritage of Ukraine, further enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the project. Immerse yourself in the beauty of Ukrainian traditions with these distinctive background designs.

HomeUA's mission is to create a vibrant community through MR NFTs, allowing holders to influence the design of modular homes while honoring Ukraine's cultural heritage. Together, we build a better future by providing safe and comfortable housing for those affected by war.

With every token, we invite you to embark on a visual journey that celebrates the rich history and innovation of our collective imagination.

We share our vision and excitement for using digital projects to make a positive impact on society. The ability to translate digital ideas into tangible real-world projects is a transformative reality. By bridging the virtual and physical realms, we have the opportunity to create meaningful change and contribute to a better world. Together, let's continue to explore the possibilities and make a difference through innovative digital initiatives.

HOME UA - created in partnership with Bombart studio, Naos multimedia studio and SunCrypters: Blockchain & Crypto Marketing Agency. These companies have combined their international experience and are sending it to help Ukraine.




HomeUA is a groundbreaking MR NFT project that aims to create a real settlement in Ukraine for those who lost their homes during the war. Holders Read More
