The Project:
The purpose of this project was to create visually cohesive yet individually unique posters, aimed at promoting a Public Safety Announcement for a nonprofit organization sponsored by the Ad Council. The posters will effectively capture the essence of the topic while delivering a powerful message.

Why I chose Gun Safety:
I have chosen to focus on the subject of gun safety because it is a cause that holds great personal significance for me. I firmly believe that firearms are valuable tools that can be utilized for protection, and I support their accessibility to responsible citizens. However, I am equally passionate about emphasizing the importance of exercising caution and adhering to safety standards among gun owners. My belief is rooted in the conviction that fostering a comprehensive dialogue on gun safety, rather than solely concentrating on gun control, can effectively address the majority of concerns associated with firearms. As citizens of the United States, we possess the fundamental right to bear arms, but it is our collective responsibility to bear them responsibly, thereby preventing any misuse or harm.
Promote Gun Safety

Promote Gun Safety

