sargun singhs profil

Organic Pet food Customisation app Case Study

PetSmart app Case Study
The idea behind this project is to provide pet owners and caregivers with an easy and efficient way to order customized, organic, and nutritious food products that meet the specific dietary needs of pets. Our goal is to create a platform that can cater to pets with different meal options due to various causes, such as growth phases and declining health. By doing so, we hope to improve the overall health and well-being of pets.

The organic pet food customization app offers a user-friendly solution to a common problem faced by pet owners. It has been successful in helping pet owners provide their pets with personalized and nutritious meals. By incorporating user feedback throughout the design process, I was able to create an app that met the needs and expectations of pet owners. The completed designs demonstrate the value of user-centered design and the importance of understanding user needs and behaviors in creating effective digital products.

What I Learned

Since this was my first UX case study, I was faced with a multitude of different learning opportunities. From mastering Figma to trying to render my own research plans. Iconography, selecting color palettes, incorporating negative space, and using user feedback constructively while planning out and iterating on designs were all topics that I learned about while undertaking this project.
Organic Pet food Customisation app Case Study


Organic Pet food Customisation app Case Study

