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The Timeless Charm of Doors

I participated on an exciting photography project that explores the fascinating world of doors. Doors can tell us so much about their age and the architect's style. I captured a variety of doors with different designs in different locations, focusing on their unique authenticity.
I visited a couple of places around cairo and found some captivating doors that had caught my attention. My goal was not only to showcase their artistic value but also to highlight the interesting details in vintage handmade doors. Although many machines ease the creation of doors, modern designs are way more simple. That is why There is something special about the craftsmanship and charm of old doors.
I was inspired by the work of James and Karla Murray, who capture the essence of local environments. Like them, I wanted to show the beauty and character of doors, which we often overlook in our daily lives.
The Timeless Charm of Doors
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The Timeless Charm of Doors

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