Профиль Jeremy Millul

Jeremy Millul - The Owner of Jeremy Millul Inc

Jeremy Millul - The Owner of Jeremy Millul Inc
Jeremy Millul graduated from Yeshiva University Sy Syms School of Business in 2008. He is the owner of Jeremy Millul Inc. A company that makes jewelry designed for high-end retailers and their clientele. Mr. Millul has traveled to trade shows around the world, building a multi-million-dollar business and connecting with an elite client base. He served as treasurer of the French club during his studies at Yeshiva University.
Jeremy Millul - The Owner of Jeremy Millul Inc

Jeremy Millul - The Owner of Jeremy Millul Inc

Jeremy Millul founded Jeremy Millul Inc. in 2015, and as President of the company, he continues to create high-end pieces to sell to the top bran Развернуть
