Parsons High School
Track & Field 
Tee Shirt Design
Jock's Nitch Sporting Goods Work Project
April 2023
Jock's Nitch manager from Parsons commissioned me to create a design for their track and field team. 

For Parsons students who partake in track and field.

Gateway laptop

Adobe Illustrator

Technical Skills: File preparation, quality control, attention to detail, file organization, project management, and designing. 
Creating Process:
When creating designs sometimes clients have an idea of what they want and some do not. However, for this project they provided some references to get an idea of what they want. Down below shows 2 designs they provided. We typically make at least 3 designs so our clients have options. For this project, we stuck with 2 designs with different variations.
File Setup:
Software: Adobe Illustrator
Dimensions: 17 x 11 inches
Color Mode: CMYK
Raster Effects: Medium (150 ppi)
Bleed: None
Layers: 2

Mock-Ups & Process:
Before doing any production work, we must get approval from the client. How we get that approval is through making a mook-up. However, for this project I made 2 designs that did not have designs on any garments on the mockup. At the time of making these designs, the client wasn't sure of what color garment they wanted.

The design on the left had the same colors but different garment colors. While the designs on the right had different colored designs and garments.

Once all that is finished, I email the client for approval. Responses from clients could be from an hour to a few days. The designs on the left were approved. 

After approval we started the production process. For this project, I was not involved in the production process. However, our client was very happy with the results!
PHS Track & Field Tee Shirt Designs


PHS Track & Field Tee Shirt Designs
