Steven Wattss profil

Generation ILL B-Boy Crew Website

Initial design sketch - pretty rough but thats how I do it when I'm eager to crack on with the computerised stuff!
Design made in photoshop - pretty happy but knowing there would be room for improvement..
Final Design in HTML -  I decided to change the colour scheme, give the main links buttons and reverted back to the sketch by putting the video back in and I also decided to add more to the header  as it was looking very blank. The design is now live and you can catch it here:

Please note that the Generation ILL logo (top right) was designed by fellow crew member Rupert Morgan.
Generation ILL B-Boy Crew Website

Generation ILL B-Boy Crew Website

A website which I made for me and my B-Boy crew going from my initial sketch to psd to html/css and the whole process took me less than a week.
