Light Graffiti
Rome, Italy
This collection of photos I like to call, Light Graffiti, was a culminating project while on a three month Architecture in Rome study abroad program. Walking down the streets of Rome you will notice three things instantly.
• First, no matter where you are in the city you are blocks away from one of the most amazing and historic monuments to human achievement.
• Second, there are thousands upon thousands of tourists, all salivating with their cameras at their fingertips.
• Third, there is graffiti everywhere. Buildings, alleys, trains, storefronts, it is everywhere. It seems like there is only place that hasn’t been tagged.
This collection of photos uses some of Rome’s most famous landmarks as a canvas to represent the clash between vandalism and tourism.

The Colosseum
Via dei Fori Imperiali
Vittorio Emanuele monument 
The Pantheon
Capitoline Hill Rome, Italy.
Roman Forum
Vittorio Emanuele II
Spanish Steps
Light Graffiti

Light Graffiti

This is my accidental, yet amazing experimentation in photography, while in Rome, Italy that revolves around finding individuality in the Eternal Læs mere
