Anna Salvador Fuentes 님의 프로필

Rusted - Winner LCI Fashion Show 2023

Rusted, talks about a part of my life, my childhood. Much of our body is double-jointed: two eyes, two ears, two ears, two lungs, two kidneys, and so on. And it is also our brain that has two hemispheric structures that are responsible for controlling the whole complex dual system, efficiently interpreting the world around us. Each of them is responsible for specific functions and abilities, and controls the muscles on the opposite side of the brain. This means that the brain is laterali- zed.
By the time we reach the age of 5 or 6, we usually have our laterality defined. That is, most of the actions we perform with our hand, foot, eye, ear, are domina- ted by the same side. Depending on how the brain's bodily functions are distributed, we use one side of the body more or the other to carry out our daily activities. The fact that we have a preference for one side or the other means that we are left-handed or right-handed and, in turn, means that laterality is homogeneous. It should be clear that the problem is not being right-han- ded or left-handed, but having homogeneous laterality.
In approximately 25% of the population, due to gene- tic causes, lateralization, a process that we carry out instinctively until about 5 years of age, is not done correctly, so that children suffer from crossed laterali- ty. In these cases there is a non-homogeneous lateral predominance, where hand, foot, ear or eyes are not on the same side of the body.
Therefore, I fall into the 25% of people with crossed laterality.

Fashion designer - Anna Salvador
Production - Benova Studio
 DOP - David Perdigón
 Focus Puller - Alejandro Pérez
 Art Direction - Júlia Corral
Twins - Marc López, Nil López 
Models - Elton Llorens, Hugo Fernández
Rusted - Winner LCI Fashion Show 2023

Rusted - Winner LCI Fashion Show 2023


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